Legato Guitar Lesson- Sam Bell

Hi there, In this lesson we are going to look at the basics of legato technique, Legato means smoothly in classical terminology. So with this technique compared to the aggressive, cutting sound of alternate picking should sound smooth and connected. Legato exercises...

Alternate Picking Guitar Lesson- Sam Bell

Greetings, In this lesson we are going to look at honing our alternate picking technique, this technique is the bread and butter of guitar technique, practising these ideas in today’s lesson is going to help your overall playing tenfold. By being able to...

Alternate Picking Quintuplets Guitar Lesson

Hey there, this lesson is all about the alternate picking guitar technique found all over the guitar world and today we will focus on the Quintuplet rhythmic sub- division whilst using this technique. Quintuplets are five notes to a beat and when played well they can...

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