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Hey there, another lesson on Scale Sequences for you today focusing on the diatonic sevenths designed especially for us guitarists.

As with previous scale sequence lessons I have given in this series, I would like you to consider the many ways you can use this knowledge so that you use it creatively and not let it stagnate. I want you to be able to pull out sequences when improvising as an alternative to simply running up and down scales at high speed. combine this sequence with other sequences learnt in previous lessons throughout this series to create unpredictable flurries of alternating sequences that will make you stand out from the crowd.

Once you have learnt the example below I would like you to try to play it by only using notes on the A and G string instead of moving diatonically up the the C major scale (A shape pattern). If you are interested in broadening your scale and mode knowledge then please see Be The Guitarist.

Try this sequence through the remaining 4 other shapes of the C major scale so that you are not tied to one spot of the neck. Try it in a different key for example E instead of C and finally play with modes by choosing a C Mixolydian and adjusting the fingering to achieve sevenths with the Mixolydian instead of the major scale (Ionian). Remember adjusting finger is not as hard as it may seem, if you know your modes then it is likely that you are just moving 1 or 2 notes up or down a fret.

If you have the desire to play at high speed then you a use a metronome and start slow- 1/8th notes at 80bpm and build up 5bpm at a time.

Keep Practising

Tom Clark

Diatonic Sevenths

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